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About the Journal

The Proceedings Scientific publication supports an open access policy.

Year of foundation: 2012 
Field of science and issues in focus: The collection includes the papers, which illuminate and comprehend new facets of human existence at the beginning of the new century. Particular attention concentrates on the forms of their manifestation and reflection in the science, culture, technology and language philosophy. The collection is intended for the research organizations employees, engineering employees, research and educational personnel, as well as for the doctoral candidates, postgraduates and for the higher school students.

ISSN 2227-7242 (Print), ІSSN 2304-9685 (Online)

The journal is registered:
- with the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 924 dated 28.09.2023. Media identifier: R30-01397 (Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 924 dated 28.09.2023 and Excerpt from the "List of Media Entities");
- Certificate of state registration: 18742-7542P from 05.01.2012 (until 28.09.2023);
- The publication is included in the Category A "The List of Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 358 of 15.03.2019).

The Proceedings Scientific publication is registered in the International Catalogue of periodicals UlrichswebTM Global Serials Directory, research and metric systems Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Crossref, Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), DOAJ, InfoBase Index, WorldCat, ERIH PLUS.

Frequency: semiannually
Language of publication:
Ukrainian, English (in mixed languages)
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (Certificate of Publisher ДК no. 7709 from 14.12.2022)
Editor in chief: Khmil V. V., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
Deputy Chief Editor:
Malivskyi A. M., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
Executive Editor: Kolesnykova T. O., PhD of Social Communications
Address of editorial office: Str. Lazaryana, 2, room 468, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010
 (056) 371-51-05 


Current Issue

No. 26 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-30


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