Existential Analysis in Theory and Practice of Education





existentialism, existential analysis, existential psychoanalysis, pedagogy, psychoanalytic pedagogy, philosophy of education


Purpose. The aim of this article is to reinterpret the key ideas of existential analysis for contemporary educational theory and practice. Theoretical basis. The research used the following theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization of the fundamental principles of existential analysis as one of the branches of modern psychoanalysis. Originality. The scientific novelty of the research lies in characterizing L. Binswanger’s existential analysis (Daseinsanalysis) and V. Frankl’s logotherapy for their subsequent implementation in pedagogical theory and practice. It emphasizes that the principles of existential analysis in education aim to assist children in finding goals and learning motivation in a rapidly changing world. It is proven that existential analysis focuses on the idea of returning to the traditional view of the educator as a guide for children on their path to self-realization and self-discovery. Conclusions. The study concludes that "existential communication" between teachers and students helps the latter to go through new life experiences, make sense of them, and plan their future prospects. The ideas of existential analysis encourage the consideration of the ethical component in pedagogical practice, aimed at anticipating possible life risks, choosing ways to achieve plans, accepting the limitations of desires, and explaining the reasonable enjoyment of life without excessive indulgence. To achieve this goal, recommendations are provided on how to work with children’s motivation, the need to teach students to determine their place in the system of social relations and choose a profession to serve the truth and people.


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How to Cite

Nelin, I. V. (2024). Existential Analysis in Theory and Practice of Education. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (26), 149–156. https://doi.org/10.15802/ampr.v0i26.319741

