The Phenomenon of Heroism in the Understanding of Philosophical Anthropology




man, heroism, warrior, strength of spirit, democratic values, hybrid warfare


Purpose. In today’s global society, traditional values, including patriotism and heroism, have been called into question. However, the new challenges of hybrid warfare require new manifestations of heroism, and thus a new philosophical understanding of it. The main purpose of this article is to provide a philosophical and anthropological understanding of heroism as the ultimate manifestation of the strength of the spirit, which combines the institutional foundations of the public good and the individual will to achieve it. Theoretical basis. The phenomenon of heroism is studied in the classical works of Homer, Plutarch, and Thomas Carlyle. Important contemporary philosophical and anthropological interpretations of this phenomenon are provided by Friedrich Nietzsche, Helmut Plessner and Albert Camus, according to whom every person can become a hero, provided that he or she demonstrates strength of spirit and an unbreakable desire to fight and win. Therefore, the phenomenon of heroism is gaining popularity and, although it can never be total in society, it can become a subject of education and self-education. Originality. The strength of a warrior’s spirit is reflected in his or her everyday resilience, which has no gender. Its vivid embodiments in modern society can be traced to the heroism, dedication and perseverance of a warrior in a hybrid war. These new incarnations not only confirm the established philosophical and anthropological ideas about heroism, but also give it new features. Conclusions. The modern rethinking of heroism on the example of the ultimate manifestation of the strength of spirit in a hybrid war has made it possible to clarify its philosophical and anthropological concept. The exemplary steadfastness and consistency in manifesting democratic values in extremely unfavourable circumstances makes modern heroes not only professional military men, but also all citizens who demonstrate their best social virtues in defence of the social institutions of democracy. Modern hybrid warfare creates a frontier of heroic confrontation with totalitarianism on a global scale. The modern hero appears as an exemplary citizen of his/her nation-state and at the same time demonstrates the virtues of a true representative of the global civil society.


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How to Cite

Prytula, O. L. (2024). The Phenomenon of Heroism in the Understanding of Philosophical Anthropology. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (26), 14–21.

