Transformation of Anthropological Legal Values of Human Existence under Conditions of War




human being, fear for life, war, anthropological values, legal norms, human rights, modes of human existence, meaning of life


Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to study the anthropological and socio-philosophical dimensions of human existence in the context of hostilities by highlighting the aspects of transformation of anthropological legal values of human existence during the war. Theoretical basis. The methodological tools are presented in the interaction of axiological, synergetic, socio-legal and comparative methods. The survey method is used to obtain quantitative data on the self-assessment of Ukrainian citizens in relation to the war, changes in their internal intentions as a result of the crisis of social reality. Originality. Military actions can act both as a catalyst for the formation of new anthropological legal values, in accordance with the specifics of martial law and the need to adapt legal systems to the challenges arising in wartime, and as a destructor of certain value attributes of society. Conclusions. The nature of paradigmatic changes in wartime is represented by the metamorphosis of anthropological legal values, which manifests itself in profound changes in the philosophical understanding of man, the transformation of legal principles and the revision of moral norms in society. Reflections on the legal paradox appear in attempts to balance the need to keep within the law with the requirement to ensure security and defence in the first place. The article highlights the following aspects of changes: revision of the concept of individual rights and freedoms by recognising that individual rights may be subject to restrictions for the sake of the common good or national security; new legal values arise which are related to the protection of human rights in war conditions.


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How to Cite

Blikhar, V. S., & Gryniuk, R. F. (2024). Transformation of Anthropological Legal Values of Human Existence under Conditions of War. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, (25), 15–25.

